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RE: Self-made Brazier from old washing machine | Upcycling-Hacks

in #upcycling-hacks4 years ago (edited)

That is a very neat idea! :D
Makes you wanna cook something above too... ;)
My washing machine which is and old (vertical) BOSCH... has a door (on this part) for opening to collect the clothes...
So it could be really interesting to try if i can use this door to put some woods from the side of it... while something is boiling over the fire...

  • just an off~grid resolution to some needs :P
  • quick to handle when available :P
  • we can put clay bricks underneath :)

Seems like the perfect stove! The square shape might be way better for cooking and fixing grills than this round washing machine cartridge.

much love to you man <3