
Perfect! Thanks for your generosity! ❤️

I was happy to do it! We can do it again this coming week, if you or @pixresteemer will @mention me in the winners post!
5 HIVE to the 1st place winner, 5 HIVE to whoever nominated them! 🙂

That's very generous of you @thekittygirl...
Just 1 remark...
In 99% of the cases, the one who nominated the winner will be @annephilbrick... I personally don't have a problem with that, but I can imagine someone could find this a bit partial... just my 2 cents...
CC: @melinda010100

Anne or I are usually the contest judges each week, @thekittygirl. You might want to divide your Hive between the top two or three winners to spread it around a bit more!

@pixresteemer @melinda010100
I can do that, contribute to the winners rather than those who nominated them. I thought encouraging more people to nominate others was desirable. So, let's say the three winners will each get 5 HIVE this coming week! 🙂

Whoohoo! I will edit and add it to the Shadow Contest post! That is very exciting.

Thank You...!!!
Thank You...!!!
Greatly appreciated
A most wonderful surprise

You are very welcome! Thanks for participating in the shadow contest with your nomination!