How to overcome fear

in #uptrennd3 years ago

fear is one of effects that can stops you from your success. We can fell fear when we face dangerous situation like exams, presentation, new job interview, etc it is natural fear that threat you ☑

When you fell fear that kinds of symptoms you face ✔

Your mind and body will speed up, breathing gets very fast and muscles fell weakness. 〰

If you have a fear you face many difficulties in your life. fear disappointed you because when your expectations not completed what actually happens.

How to overcome your fears

Life is full of stress and bad day it can be setback share your fear with others and talk with friends the more that you speak the more you overcome your fear. And give time to yourself think about your fear how can I overcome fear?

some key points
▶ Identify the root cause of fear
▶ trust on yourself
▶ Never say never
▶ challenge the failure