The vandalistic type of graffities near the bus station of Szolnok, Hungary (2022.03.16)

in #urbanexploration2 years ago


There is a roundabout. This section is relatively clean. There is a bakery and a general store on the right. Just/only a few minutes of walk to the north direction (forward on this road, where the bus is going), and you start to see the graffities.

The second letter is probably "p", but I cannot read the rest. Maybe you can.

There is a pharmacy to the right.

Even the road itself has graffiti. "TESKO"?

The wall of the pharmacy.

I can read the "Sz" and the "1UP" signs. There is an "X" above the "Sz". By the way, "Sz" is a letter from the Hungarian alphabet. There is something next to the "Sz". Maybe an "l" or an "M". I do not know what this graffiti means. If it even means anything. Maybe it is indeed just/only pure vandalism.

Either way, I cannot read the rest of the graffities.


Maybe "Hobi". This does not have any meaning in Hungarian. The closest existing Hungarian word is "hobbi", which is "hobby" in English. The rest of the graffities could be straigth gibberish.


The other building in front of the pharmacy also has graffities.

"Gyógyszertár" means "Pharmacy" in English. This sign is showing the direction to the pharmacy. The blue graffiti is maybe "Cyexz" or something like that. I do not know what that is.

The "Cyexz" is also visible on the other side of the building.

A little bit away there is a building with the Hungarian and the EU (European Union) flags. This building is completely clean. Probably because there is a fence around it. I do not know what kind of building this is. This looks like a relatively new (or renewed) building. I am not familiar with this neighborhood (part of the city). I usually walk in/from the other direction of the bus station. Maybe a school, or some kind of government building. Either way, it is a certainly well maintained building. At least from the outside, but probably from the inside too.


A few steps away the graffiti starts again. This writing is probably "SLUM" or "SLIM". And an "XD" above it. Or at least this is how/what I read it.

I took these photos today afternoon with my smartphone (Samsung Galaxy A12). I have not edited these photos.

Thank you for coming with me on this virtual walk.

Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.


Hello dear friend @xplosive good day
What you say is true, these graffiti do not make any apparent sense; Maybe it's just vandalism

have a great day

This is how I see it, but they can still have a hidden message/meaning.

Thank you for commenting.


Have a nice day. All the best. Greetings and much love from Hungary.