
Is this all about the current situation or what??

Pedogate is falling apart as we speak, BTW.

China should not engage in saber-rattling, but should look at deadly policies that closed off China from Wuhan, while still allowing international flights to spread the disease worldwide. That is way more constructive than alerting the US to problems we already know we have and are in progress. It will take more than 8 years of Trump, however.

Nice reply, I control 2 big accounts in this infowars tag, and seeking accounts to curate.
I may not put you on autovote right away but I will vote for you. 😎

Whatever did you do to get on Morky-Mork's shitlist?
I've seen him add people from some really suspect "cleaners"
in the past, but if you're still posting and replying, I'll give U
a shot.
Added U to the infowars list...

This dragon looks like the Qing Dinasty flag
