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RE: update for beem - adding claim account creation to beempy and support for whaleshares

in #utopian-io6 years ago

Thanks for the contribution, @holger80! I love using beem so I'm happy to see that you are still bringing out regular updates. Adding the claimaccount command to beempy is a great addition, although I'm not sure I'm even able to use it haha.

Anyway I have some feedback regarding some small things: it's probably better to use click.echo() instead of print() as "it has improved support for handling Unicode and binary data that does not fail no matter how badly configured the system is." I am also not sure if you explicitly want to check for the None object, but the code has a lot of if X is not None statements. Maybe it's better to simply use if not X if the situation above doesn't apply. And finally one last nitpick: keep your line width < 80 😋

Looking forward to seeing more awesome updates in the future! Keep up the great work, Holger!

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