Endless Browser is an open source browser application that can be used for internet access I have proposed a new, logo for Endless Browser which is an open source IOS application I want to create a superb browser logo. I use free background from I specify the source as a link below the image.
Benefits / Improvements
Endless Browser logo that I propose more shows the impression of a browser, where the logo idea using two elements of the letter "e" and "browser symbol" so much easier for users to menoniai icon browser.
This logo design is made using CorelDRAW application and below are some of my worksheet appearance.
Original files
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Hi @andysupriady,
It seems you got a $20.8804 upvote from @utopian-io at the last minute before the payout. (22.91h) and this comment is to make everyone aware.
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hi bro..
can i ask u somethıng?
why u put your icon 580 px? why not 512 px?
just interesting about that-- it seems weird:))
Coba di perbaiki dengan ukuran yang jelas. Itu 580.? Ukuran ikon untuk apa itu.
terimakasih atas masukanya, saya telah memperbaiki postingan saya mohon periksa kembali..
Tolong lebih di perhatikan pada pemakaian teks. Jangan cuma sekedar teksnya saja.
terimakasih saya akan terus belajar
Thank you for the contribution. It has been approved.
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Learn more about logotype.
thanks for the feedback, I will continue to learn to improve my contribution
Hey @andysupriady I am @utopian-io. I have just upvoted you!
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