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RE: Introducing the hackjohn bot for southbound John Muir Trail permits

in #utopian-io5 years ago

Quid pro quo

Should you find the hackjohn bot helpful in securing a permit for the John Muir Trail, I have a small request in return. PLEASE LEAVE NO TRACE. In fact, even better leave a negative trace and pick-up any litter you see along the way as @trang and I did on our thru-hike.

Also avoid practices that create litter, like packing too many items, being disorganized, or god forbid dangling all your belongings off your backpack. Swallow your dish water. Vaporize toothpaste ejections such that no globs hit the ground. Do not bury your wet-wipes as they do not decompose. In fact, on the JMT you're supposed to carry out toilet paper, so consider experimenting with the backcountry bidet.