rollup-plugin-rust minor update: v1.1.0 - asynchronous compile/load, call Javascript function on Rust code, some bug fixes

in #utopian-io6 years ago


This minor update consists of 2 things, bug fixes and adding features to support async load/compile. Also, JS function now can be called in Rust code.

updatepull request
async compile/load + call JS function from Rust
fix failed smoke-test in stenciljs while also add additional smoke-test
additional smoke-test (example using it in nodejs project)

New Features

Asynchronous load/compile Wasm code

This feature makes it possible to load/compile wasm code asynchronously to avoid blocking code/execution. This mode are suitable if the wasm code we want to load/compile are big (more than >4KB, maybe[ref]). See for more info.

resolve value of the exported function depend on export option you choose

However, if the wasm file compiled from Rust code is really really huge, it's better to use WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming to fetch-compile the wasm file. I actually want to add an additional option for compile/load wasm code in streaming fashion (taking inspiration from here, see Using WebAssembly APIs in JavaScript section) but seems I need to wait for WebAssembly.compileStreaming to be implemented in the most major browser first.

Call Javascript function in Rust code

This feature is really handy if we want to implement lifecycle hook in our wasm code (written in Rust). Well, it's WebAssmebly API feature but since I export async function in all async* mode, it's better to make importObject as an argument and pass it when instantiating wasm code.

It's possible to call JS function in WASM in the non-async mode, but I strongly suggest using async mode (or WebAssembly.instantiateStreaming) to avoid undeterministic execution. If you only need to call functions defined inside the wasm code, then it's fine to use non-async mode.

call console.log inside wasm instance

Bug Fixes

Fix failed smoke-test for stenciljs (#9)

This bug happens because of CircleCI recently limit the stack size of nodejs runtime (not sure if they do it directly via it's docker image or its just side effect of fine-tunning the server). Limiting the stack-size of nodejs cause this kind of error:

error message cause by stack-size is not enough

Usually, an error like RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded cause by calling the recursive function to deep (or indefinite). The solution for this is simply by defining NODE_OPTIONS=--stack-size=1200 in my local machines but CircleCI prohibits setting --stack-size flag (but not --max-old-space-size, security reason probably). I also add additional smoke-test for nodejs (the repo is in here) just for comparison which surprisingly there is no RangeError: Maximum call stack size exceeded error (it build using rollup -c, not stencil build). As the last resort, I move smoke-stencil job to TravisCI xD

FYI: python runtime also has this kind of limit called recursionlimit

Unfornutaley moving it to TravisCI cause another error.

kind of error message cause by hitting the memory limit

Guess I'm lucky for this. The cause for this error is too many strings (generated code) to be cached. The solution is simple, just enable LTO optimization and the wasm code will be much smaller which make fewer strings (generated code) to be cached. (Glad that I try to explore this in form of tutorial before xD)

Fix buffer is imported but could not be resolved (d87c1d3)

In the previous release, we will get this kind of warning (marked in orange bold) when we do not specify buffer as the external dependency in the rollup.config.js file.

when build the examples or smoke-tests

And when I run the unit-tests locally, I will get this warning message:

when running unit-tests

This update will dismiss that warning by specifying buffer as the external dependency automatically when registering this plugin in rollup.config.js. This fix inspired from rollup-plugin-auto-external.

Strange behaviour when bundling using Rollup .generate() function (c941c62)

This is actually a bug in Rollup that I found when adding another test case. The interesting thing is the bundle result are different between CLI and JS API when doing export * from './content.js' with content export default function() {}. It's hard to explain, so probably will create a reproducible repo and submit bug issue to Rollup next week.

Parting words: I leave small feature/mode (#11) that purposely not being implemented in this update to see if I can invite and onboard contribution in this way 😋

GitHub Account


Thanks for the contribution, @drsensor! Seems like a cool little feature and also reading about the bug fixes was very interesting, haha. I don't really have much feedback to give about the code in general, but I think that comments like

// Usage

could be replaced with comments that actually improve the readability.

As for issue #11, maybe you could create a task request for it (or ask @tensor, he might be interested!). Keep up the good work, it's always great to see contributors like yourself in the development category.

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Thank you for your review, @amosbastian!

So far this week you've reviewed 3 contributions. Keep up the good work!

Yes, really love it if @tensor could contribute to this plugin. For this kind of lib/plug, I want to avoid it to become a one-man project 😂. (I have a bad habit to abandon library that I don't use anymore)
For task request, maybe later if the issue #11 hanging for a long time (1-3 weeks maybe). I want to experiment if creating an issue with obvious solution and step by step guide can invite contribution. There are many tools/websites out there that spot on issue label good first issue and help wanted.

// Usage

could be replaced with comments that actually improve the readability.

Well, actually, it's label, not comments xD. Comments are something that explains *what* or *why* the code is about. Seems I need to put comments on *why* it's being used that way 🙂. Nice spot on @amosbastian!

Hey @drsensor
Thanks for contributing on Utopian.
We’re already looking forward to your next contribution!

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