Search feature is need to implemented on streetcomplete app.

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)



This app finds incomplete and extendable data in users vicinity and displays it on a map as markers. Each of those is solvable by answering a simple question to complete the info on site.

The info users enter is then directly added to the OpenStreetMap in users name, without the need to use another editor.
And users can Help to improve the OpenStreetMap with StreetComplete.


I'm the man who always using this app have to propose to developers for added search feature into this app so users can find the location more faster without have tired to looking in anywhere on the map to find it.

Mockups / Examples

Like in this picture,there is a lot place on the map.

Search feature will help the users to find the location with just type the name of place on it.



Benefits of this feature for users is they can search the location on the map more faster and immidiately.
for example if the users want to looking for a place like town,village,street or any other,the users can find it with just type the name of place on search feature.and I think this feature will make easier for them when using this app,and will encourage more people to download this app if easy when using.
I hope the feature will be implemented soon inside the app.

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postingan yang menarik kawan..sukses

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