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RE: Introducing mcBOT v0.1 to steemit and discord community

in #utopian-io5 years ago

Thank you for your contribution @nawab69 !

  1. I use this file to evaluate your work.
  2. Steem Posts URLs are not limited to and thus this message.content.startsWith("") could be refactored to a function e.g. isSteemURL(url)
  3. The varcould be replaced by either const or let.
  4. Your source code should have been formatted and properly indented.
  5. JSON.parse should be wrapped in try..catch in case of bad format data
  6. Currently, what the bot can do is very limited and I would personally think this could be better fit to a tutorial category if you polish the texts a little bit.

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Thank you for your review, @justyy! Keep up the good work!