DNGO - Book Cover Request

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Brief information about Dngo & Dngo Books

We have developed a Steem application to create a collectively produced, multilingual and publicly accessible audiobook archive. Furthermore, our principal aim is to build a decentralized non-governmental organization on Steem blockchain to increase user participation in social change by incentivising contributions with cryptocurrencies.

You may read our introduction post on Steemit for more information: https://steemit.com/steem/@dngo-io/introducing-dngo-and-dngo-books

You may visit our web site and try it yourself: https://dngo.io

Details about task request

We need a generic book cover design for the books we list on the page.
Ekran Resmi 2018-04-26 11.19.11.png
Although, we do not have strict conditions for the design, a guideline for the cover is below:

  • The cover should be in .png format.
  • The cover should be 1000px x 1600px and at least 72 DPI.
  • Dngo logo should be included in the book cover preferably in a relatively small form. Link for the visual materials including logos
  • Book cover should have a blank space that we could include book name and author name on it. You may use some placeholder author name and book name for previews. We are planning put each author and book name dynamically through coding later. You may check how we use book covers in different pages from: Book search page and Book detail page
  • Please include source files as well to be able to do further changes if necessary.


Contributions submited between 27, April 00:00 UTC and 30. April 23:59 UTC will be accepted.


Please contact us from Dngo Discord Server or Utopian Discord Server if you need any further information.

Posted on Utopian.io - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Thank you everyone who has contributed with their awesome designs. We appreciate your effort and support as DNGO team. Unfotunately, we can only choose one as the best. We have chosen @youssouf's design as best fit and we have decided to use @oups' design as well. Again, thank you so much for your wonderful designs and participation.

My contribution : Hire

DNGO book COVER 2.jpg

Hi Sir @meskoze here is my contribution to your TR. Best regards!


Hi Sir, This is my contribution Link Here


Credits Mockup


My contribution Here

Dear @youssouf, we have chosen your design as the best and we are going to use them :) Thank you so much for your effort and time✌

Yaaay :D

I'm so glad for choosing my designs as the best and for using them as well.

Hope you and all the Dngo's team all the best luck with your projects.

Hey @youssouf, thanks a lot for your designs.

Hi @richardbmx thank you so much for your contribution.

Thank you. This task request is now approved.

Information for contributors:

  • Deadline: Only contributions submited between 27, April 00:00 UTC and 30. April 23:59 UTC will be accepted.
  • Carefuly read all the requirements.
  • Contribution chosen by project owner will be rewarded. Moderators might pick 1 or 2 other contributions to reward if they meet all quality standards.
  • Dont forget to include place for name on the cover

Need help? Write a ticket on https://support.utopian.io.
Chat with us on Discord.


Hey @meskoze, can I get your opinion on this, since your project is about audio books and it's being built on a blockchain I started from an audio cassette (being the old component of this book cover) and a blockchain behind made of audio cassettes that shows where dngo is built.

For the title and author I kept it simple as close as possible to the old stickers you had on the cassettes to write what songs/album you have on the cassette.



Hey @ady-was-here, thanks a lot for your contribution. I personally liked the idea yet not sure how much does it fit to our concept. Because, we are going to use the cover for books not for the audiofiles. I personally liked your style. You may try something else different than audio casette as well, if you wish. We will decide as a team though. Please do not forget to include source files ;)

Hi @meskoze.
Here is the link to my proposal.
Any modification do not hesitate to inform me.

Hi @mendezand, thank you so much for your contribution. Actually we are looking for a (generic) whole front cover rather than ribbons style add on.

Hey @meskoze! Thank you for the great work you've done!

We're already looking forward to your next contribution!

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Hello @ivannewgate89, thanks a lot for your contribution.

youre welcome sir, happy for your project )

Hello @iqbalridha, thank you so much for your contribution.

You are welcome, sir

Find my contribution here

Mock Up 2.jpg

Hello sir, this is my contribution for DNGO.

Hi @meskoze this is my contribution Link
blue n red.png

Dear @oups, thank you very much for your valuable contribution, we decided to use your design in addition to @youssouf's design 👍 Thank you so much for your time and support✌

Glad to hear that, let me know if you need any changes/reviesions.


My work : I submitted it before the deadline, i just forgot to comment it here..

Other Sizes.jpg
