The application does not stop when you start another player.

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Expected behavior

The application stops when you start another media player. Giving priority to the new player started.

Actual behavior

The application does not stop when you start another media player. Denying the priority to the new player started and distorting both songs.

How to reproduce

  • Download the application.
  • Install.
  • Start the player and select a melody.
  • Start a different player and repeat the action.
  • When you start the second player, Echo player should stop or pause, but it does not.
  • Browser: Echo - Music Player V 1.0
  • Operating system: Android 5.1.1

Recording Of The Bug

Posted on - Rewarding Open Source Contributors


Hello @shirou-jeff, Your contribution cannot be approved because the repository you attached to project seems not to be the repo for project because non of the information provided on the project tallies with the ones on github repo..... the project is not a legit and cannot be accepted on utopian. Thank you!

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