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RE: I need Justice !

in #utopian-io6 years ago (edited)

Shame. Utopian has been receiving negative publicity about this. Lots of contributors are spamming translations just for the easy money, may it be on CrowdIn/Github. Worse, have seen a lot of our fellow Filipinos doing the same.

I was one of the first few people who started contributing at the Phalcon project. After a week since I started, the proofreaders reached 30+ from the previously < 10. I guess the managers are partly to be blamed for this as they also promoted the wrong people to proofreaders.

Shoutout to our fellow Filipino contributors: If you are not qualified to translate, or even if you don't understand what you are translating, then DON'T. There are various ways that you can earn from steeemit.
