
any idea how much time it will take for the rest of the users to reach 100% VP ?

Shameless self linking:

Maybe you can address some of my questions, as newly promoted Top20 witness

It's showing you back at 100% voting power. I just upvoted this post for 12% and lost 80% voting power. Do with that information as you will.

Hey @edicated you have to look at the voting manabar on steemd not the voting power

Thanks for the heads up.

upvoted this comment for 1% and lost nothing. Maybe 22% is the baseline right now.

I think once you make your first transaction it updates to the real VP, which was reset when HF 20 happened

Hopefully, it is going to be resolved soon and the blockchain will be stabilized for users.

Have fun tonight at the Utopian Open Source Radio Show on MSP Waves - Greeting at @jedigeiss

Hey, @utopian-io.

Glad to see you in the Top 20.

It would be nice if the witnesses would stand firm when it comes to any subsequent hard forks that they be done in smaller chunks. In my way of thinking, that doesn't mean a new hard fork every week or month, but once a quarter would be good, or semi-annually. Something that wouldn't require constant updating but at the same time, wouldn't become so huge that there's no way to go through it all.

Right now the way of doing things appears to be this: throw something up, see what breaks, fix it, wait for the fix to trickle out. Maybe that's the only way to do it, but I'm afraid the user experience ends up suffering, and who knows how many times that can happen before people actually act on their disappointment.

And in the process, it seems like the Top 20 gets blamed for it more than the devs at Steemit Inc, which puts you all between a rock and a hard place.

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