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RE: One more hurdle before @v4vapp is funded + FREE SATS!

in #v4vapp3 years ago (edited)

From Sir ECO-instant on behalf of the great work being done by Sir Brian of London -

Sir Brian has been working hard expanding access to the V4V streaming sats service. Podcast listeners can now buy 'sats' with the HIVE cryptocurrency, a decentralized, resistant and battle-tested blockchain community which has already fought off a Chinese attack. HIVE is an anarcho-syndicalist commune.

To support this great work, the community on Hive is part funding it from the Hive "autonomous organization" to accelerate combining HIVE and Bitcoin Lightning for value for value in Podcasting 2.0.

Podcasting 2.0 is the cutting edge of what is possible, and the proof is its growth and acceptance while integrating with other decentralized communities.

Thank you Brian, Thank you PodFather, thank you all the Devs at and freedom Loving people everywhere!

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