The Getaway Fantasy

in #vacation2 years ago

Sometimes there is this need to go somewhere far away from home because we have been feeling bored about our current location. Especially when we have gotten overwhelmed with performing the same activities over and over again.


I’m an introvert but I have always wanted to be adventurous in terms of travelling and exploring other locations. I’m open minded when it comes to exploring other locations, places, cultures and lifestyle. I have gotten too bored with my current location, while am still here and getting bored with my current location, there are other places I would like to live, not forever but for some few years to share the lifestyle and culture of these places. I love telling stories to people who care to listen, so what other way of sharing these experiences if I don’t get them?


So I will be sharing locations I would like to visit. One place I will like to visit is China. This is because of their cultures, China is a country very rich in culture and tradition, the ability of maintaining these cultures and tradition over the years is something that amazes me. Over the years, information and technology has widely affected other cultures and traditions but China or the Asian continent has manage to preserve theirs. This is the reason I want to go to China. The country’s technological development and advancement is another aspect that makes me want to explore the country. Aside these, I also want to try out their foods, I know the country loves foods and has one of the best foods in the world. I want to learn how to use the chopsticks to eat.


My next location will be Ireland, Ireland is an European country that I also love. I don’t really know much about the country, but from images and things I have read about the country, it seems like a really cool peaceful country to be in. I will love to live in the country for at least a year or two, get acquainted with the environment. Although I get worried with the driver’s seat position. In Nigeria, we are used to having the driver’s seat at the left side, but in Ireland it’s on the right hand side. The driving lanes are different, in Nigeria we drive on the right side, but in Ireland it’s on the left side.


Paris is another place I will like to be, mainly because of the Eiffel Tower and the fact that French is the primary language. I always love the French language but found it hard to learn the language. Especially the accents and intonation, how to place them and when to use them. I see the Eiffel Tower to be one of the most romantic location to explore with your romantic partner.


Maldives seems like a beautiful place to be in and spend some days. This is another beautiful location located on an island with beautiful scenery. I heard it’s best with beaches with a glow in the dark feature. Haven’t been to a beach before and a glow in the dark beach sounds like a great idea. It has an underwater spa that is said to be the world’s first underwater spa. This sounds like a place to have an amazing experience in, oh!!! I forgot to mention the food aspect and the exquisite restaurants.


Greece is another perfect location for a vacation, because of the view from Santorini. The view is filled with traditional stone houses from the village with narrow streets, these houses are white in color. While exploring Santorini, there are places like souvenir shops where you can get your souvenirs, a cafe to chill, have coffee and take pictures. I will like to have that experience.