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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

What I did before my first child was born,
was look at each illness that the vaccine is for, and look at each vaccine,
and weight the risk/benefit for each one individually.

I decided that none of the vaccines had a higher benefit than risk.
But it takes a lot of time to do the research until you feel comfortable.

But just consider this. When I was young (I'm 48) we had only a very few vaccines, and children were much healthier than they are today. So if we were healthier back when we only had a few vaccines, why do today's children need the HUGE amount of new vaccines that have been put on the childhood schedule since then. They keep adding MORE and MORE and giving MULTIPLE shots on the same day, YOUNGER and younger ages, including the first day of life now.

Surely some if not all of these shots are not necessary. Especially considering how sickly children are today compared to prior to this bombardment of vaccines.

This is the book that I read at the time. This doctor looks at the safety of each vaccine, whether or not it even works well at preventing what it is supposed to, how likely it is to die or get really ill from the disease, how treatable the disease is if you actually get it, etc.