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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

Depending on where you live, there are often exception forms to fill out. The government and the schools will not help you figure out the process either, and they will give you a hard time for not conforming. It usually can be done though. Here in Virginia for example, we have to fill out an exemption form. That's fine. I'll do that. If they ever forced the issue though, I'd home school. If I could not do that, I'm leaving to a place that leaves my children alone.


Right i agree with that, they try to make everything such a hassle making it seem like you have no choice.
Next time they wont win, i will fill out what every paperwork necessary in this case. @finnian thanks for your input on that we definitely have to stick together with things like this and specially if we know there is a risk involved.