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RE: Teen Dies of Gardasil Vaccine-Induced Brain Disease (ADEM) Three Weeks After Injection

in #vaccines6 years ago

Hard to say. The Freemasons are a compartmentalized organization with many degrees. Lower ranking masons don't even know the exact rituals of the higher ranked masons. Ultimately it is the 13 Illuminati bloodlines that have the most money, power and control. Perhaps, if they are successful in their depopulation plans they may eliminate the lower ranking masons as they won't need them anymore. They are psychotic and sociopathic.


Freemasons all swear a life long oathe to never reveal the secrets of their masonic lodge or they die. They are forbidden to even tell a family member or friend because of course, they have mouths. This Shriner broke his oathe.

Hope u like Richie From Boston.