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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

OMG, this is very unfortunate story of Danielle Durette. Baby killeigh is legally blind three days later from MMR vaccine.Very very heart touching story about her children, oh OMG I am not believe still, how people are victimised vastly, actually Doctor should come out and should worned the system about the side effects of vaccination. In my opinion the duty of doctors is to save the life not take it, but here in this situation, they are misguide the people. I want to thank you from my core of my heart that you are doing a great job by creating awareness among people about this inhuman activities of the system. We are now the people of the modern world, we should have our human right to protect our family and future of our children. Very much noble cause, wish you good luck and success for your great mission. Thanks for sharing .