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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

It is really sad that the medical community, especially here in the US, is covering up the ill effects of vaccines. My youngest is right now banging his head, really hard. It started within 12 hours of his 6-month visit. I might have elected to vaccinate regardless as it does eradicate certain diseases, but Polio? We have not had Polio for most of my 40+ years, it is already eradicated. HepB actually caused less damage than the vaccine, so we can decide based on what we know. The legal system, a few larger medical institutions, and a few figures (Bill Gates comes to mind) would rather not confront the truth. I must face this truth every day, sometimes every hour, and my best excuse is that I was uninformed until something happened to me. Thanx for speaking out! I do not actually think vaccines are a bad idea, but uninformed consent and legally forced medical procedures arre not in any type of gray area. Vaxxing a small child while the downside is covered up is dead wrong!


Thank-you for your comment.
I am so sorry to hear about your child. I hope that he improves.

You are right that the biggest issue is how parents are not given the opportunity for Informed Consent.
And each child is treated the same and given the same vaccines regardless.

If you watched the video, the same doctor kept pushing further vaccines on all of her children, even AFTER they had adverse reactions. The doctor even admitted that the girls leg was so extremely swollen after the flu shot because she had an egg allergy, but then insisted that she get further flu shots anyways!!! Imagine a doctor who insists that you keep injecting something into your body that he acknowledges you are allergic to? It is madness.

If the doctors would at least read people the Vaccine Package Insert with the warnings,
and screen out the people (according to the Insert) who should NOT receive that vaccine based on their medical history ... then I could respect that doctor.
Instead they make no effort to ask parents if a past adverse reaction has occurred, or whether they are allergic to components of the vaccine, or whether their family history or personal history is considered a reason not to vaccinate (as per the Vaccine Package Insert.)

Personally, I have found that every single vaccine has a higher risk than a possible benefit,
so my 3 children have had zero vaccines.