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RE: Legally Blind 3 Days Later -- The DURETTE Family (VaxXed Stories)

in #vaccines7 years ago

what a fantastic post!
being a holistic wellness specialist and having run a healthfood store for several years, i've had this debate countless times. i saw first hand, the effects of vaccinations, from autism, to adhd, endocrine problems, digestive issues, neurological complications, etc. i myself deal with damage from vaccinations given throughout my childhood, my heart goes out to the little ones who couldn't and didn't make this choice for themselves. Unfortunate that more parents don't educate themselves. it makes me a little frustrated when i get a million questions on the safety and efficacy of herbs, homeopathy and aromatherapy, yet not one question taking poison from a doctor. i know many doctors, they couldn't care less about the health of their patient, it's business, it's about dollars, it's not about healing. there is a BIG rabbit hole to go down here. i know there are some well intended doctors out there, they are hard to find! vaccinations should be banned period! i'll never forget the lady who wouldn't give her infant honey because she wasn't sure it would be good for her, yet she's getting her vaccinated with no doubt! whhaaattt???