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RE: Thoughts about Is there a link between vaccines and autism?

in #vaccines6 years ago

"Inoculation means introducing into the body certain products of disease through the skin of a healthy person, so giving "built-in" resistance to the disease."

Do Medical Doctors know the difference between cause and effect?

Cow pus eradicated small pox?We will call the pus the virus.(poison).

Cancer is the result of the cause. For example, radiation causes cancer. Chemotherapy causes cancer. Smoking causes cancer, etc. What caused the cow to have pimples on its teats is any bodies guess, but the pimples didn't cause themselves. There was a cause.

To take the result of a disease and claim it will prevent disease was and is absurd.

Eat cookies , cakes, pizza and drink pop EVERYDAY FOR WEEKS.Eventually you will get pimples - pus And we will call the pus a virus (poison) I'm going to collect all that pus and inject into people to try and prevent pimples ?! Or should we prevent pimples by eating better?

Think about it!

Did the pimples cause themselves? Of course not. The cause was the food eaten. The result was the body trying to eliminate the poison created by the bad food.

This is why doctors treat symptoms. They don’t understand cause and don’t know the difference between cause and effect.

Do toxoids prevent toxins?

Poison prevent poison ?
