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RE: 2021-03 - VHS to DVD Log, Part 02

in #vcr3 years ago (edited)

Cool and it really depends on picking your battles, in regard to priorities, as life is short, in choosing which stories to tell, which projects to tackle first kind of thing and I try my best to do what I can in life.

The VHS documenting project is one of those lifelong projects of mine which I always tend to come back to every year or at random times for the past 21 years or so. One of the problems I've faced was putting too much on my plate, like I always want to do everything.

So, I've probably made too many promises to myself throughout life regarding all the things I would do. One of my goals with these videos isn't necessarily in doing what George Lucas did with Star Wars in coming out with a special editions kind of thing.

I love using the Star Wars analogy. My goal at the moment is to do my best just the bare minimum as in rough draft outlines of some of my stuff from my life.

And I may come back and try to make Special Editions of some of my stuff later on in life. But at the same time, this is a starting point, a good foundation, a backup of my stuff.

So, that is what I try to do sometimes, to just kind of label what I got, try to make lists of the stuff I have, include dates, titles, a few things, and then move on kind of thing.

I've been a perfectionist like George Lucas is with Star Wars, I always want to edit a video again and again or edit a post or some of the art I do or so on and so forth.

One of the problems I face is never ever like finishing things because I always want things to be perfect. So, in seeking to balance myself out, I have this other side of me that wants to just publish and release unfinished work. So, I'm always wrestling between the two extremes.

For example, I'm struggling just to stop writing this comment. But, I try my best to discipline myself to learn how to do something and then move on kind of thing, kind of important and kind of funny too at the same time.

My advice to you is to keep it simple, don't make too many promises to yourself, take it a day at a time, keep a simple blog that could be online or at least offline and simply take a few random notes regarding stuff you do and want to do. And if you do want to do something with your old stuff, then give it a try.

But it is important to keep a log, to write it down, because you can forget what you did later on, and simply one thing at a time, one day at a time, Rome wasn't built in a day and Oatmeal wasn't eaten in a second. I'm Oatmeal. You are what you eat.