
in #vector6 years ago

plural noun: chakras
(in Indian thought) each of the centers of spiritual power in the human body, usually considered to be seven in number.
7 vector V

a popular space program uses the vector in their logo. Why?

What is the connection between inner space, and outer space? Could it be a clue of who we are or where we came from?

Lets look at Thoth, for a moment.
Wow what an impressive looking God!
Thoth was a moon god, depicted as an ibis-headed man. Both the ibis and the ape were sacred to him.
He was the inventor of writing and acted as scribe to the gods, his chief activities being to record the verdict on the dead who were tried in the Hall of Judgement; and to inscribe on the sacred mimusops (persea-tree) the number of years a king had allotted to him for his reign.
Thoth was believed to have a book containing all the wisdom of the world within it. His chief place of worship was Hermopolis Magna (the modern el-Ashmunein), so called by the Greeks who equated him with Hermes, their messenger of the gods.
Here's an story from Rany Freeman from July 20th 2009.
Moon Landing-Apollo Mission & Ancient Egyptian Civilization
By RanyFreeman | Posted July 20, 2009 | Halifax, Nova Scotia

Moon Landing-Apollo Mission & Ancient Egyptian Civilization

Apollo mission was the higher point of our civilization so far. The anticipation and shock sent wave beyond the united states to the rest of the world. It changed the way human race look to itself, its capabilities and beliefs. Apollo mission changed the beliefs of people that we can do anything...even going to the moon.

Being born in Egypt, the moon itself has always played an important role in Egyptian religion, even through modern times, with its symbolisms related to the Islamic faith its dependence on the loaner calendar. In ancient Egypt, the moon God was the baboon-headed Thoth, who was the God of wisdom, magic and numbers. Astronomy in ancient Egyptian civilization depended on the moon to know flood season and the separation of the separation of sowing and harvesting. Likewise, now in the united states and the modern world we are depending on moon technology in many significant aspects of our daily lives. Thanks to the moon landing and thanks for the inspiration and the dedication of turning a magical idea to a reality. The inspiration of the modern moon God NASA that continued the wisdom of magic and numbers.

 The hints come also in the way of the Emerald Tablets.




A very fantastic story of Thoth & Our origins. If you would like to understand this life? Start to investigate this story.

Next time we will be looking at Triangle craft.
Until next time create reality .


Highly rEsteemed!


Thank you frank. You are a great teacher.

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