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RE: Why I'm Raw Vegan

in #vegan6 years ago

Great read! Though most of my day we eat raw, we always have one cooked meal a day too. I am so happy to hear you are thriving on the raw vegan diet. For us, that's just one step too far. Going plant-based already did so much for us. My hubby has been free from any meds to control MS and I am controlling heart disease with it too. Powerful stuff!
We also try to be the opposite of letting everybody now we are vegan.... though I love to talk about it! But you can not push people into certain diets or lifestyles. But I love cooking for non-vegans though! They always love it and that's my way of luring them in. Instead of talking about it let them taste hehe! Anyway. Welcome to steemit! Looking forward to your raw vegan yummies!


I really appreciate you reading it and your kind words <3 I'm ecstatic to hear that you and your husbands health has been restored through such a beautiful way!
Yes! Surprising anyone unfamiliar with plant based foods by whipping up some decadent vegan goodness is such a joyful experience : )