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in #vegan β€’ 6 years ago

Thank you Janotn for another lovely compliment........I think man in Texas are quite the gentleman, lol.

In Toronto yes! I am not sure about the whole Ontario though. I live little bit outside of Toronto, in city called Mississauga that is quite vegan friendly as well. However, Toronto has looooooots of vegan and vegan friendly restaurants.

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howdy again Lena! I feel like I need to call you something more respectful like Miss Lena but I don't want to offend you because I don't know what you think is appropiate.

But anyway...those vegan restaurants...I assume the prices are the same as a regular restaurant? Because without the expensive cuts of meat you would think that the veggies wouldn't be as expensive am I right?
Mississauga...that has to be an Indian name.

I write quite a bit about Indians too.

Oh yes, it is aboriginal name as we call it here. And the vegan restaurants can be pretty pricey. It is sad, but veggies and other plant based ingredients cost more than meat.

And by the way, you can call me Miss if you like, are such an gentleman.

howdy back Miss Lena! that has a nice ring to it, I like that. It matches your classiness. Well, I had no idea that veggies cost more than meat but then I know nothing about this vegan stuff. lol. That's what makes it so funny when I read your posts, I have no idea what any of it is! lol.

Howdy Janton, thank you again for being a gentleman, lol.

It depends what exactly. Some veggies and fruits do not cost a lot but some do. Also the prices change with seasons. For example English cucumber during the summer cost $0.99, but now is up to $1.50 to $1.80, depends which store. Avocado same price range. Tofu and beans are cheep, however, organic spelt pasta, quina, chia, cacao powder, nuts, just to name a few are very pricey items.

Nevertheless, there is a way how to live on vegan diet on very low cost, by shopping for cost effective yet nutritious items, such us beans, rice, potatoes, root vegetables, lettuce, apples and whatever is seasonal. This of course does not apply to restaurants. Eating in any restaurants is always expensive.

howdy today Miss Lena! I see.. and also you can purchase many of the items in bulk so that can bring down the cost of the others like avocados.

Do you go to restaurants out to eat much? It seems like vegan restaurants may be more of an exclusive, kind of elite type is that right? I mean in a small redneck town like our local town you aren't going to find a vegan restaurant!

Howdy Janton,

Well you can buy lots of things in bulk, but avocado o. Bulk barn is great for spices, cereals , flour and all nuts besides other items, but it's not exactly cheep neither. I personally eat in restaurants very rarely, but I wouldn't call vegan restaurants elite, lol. For the urban people in Toronto it's part of their lifestyle.

howdy again Miss Lena! oh ok, vegan restaurants aren't elite, got it. Well I'm learning more about this strange diet everyday! lol.
We almost never eat out. Unfortunately, hopefully that will change some day. Dunkin Donuts is my favorite place! but I haven't been to one in many years sadly. lol.