
Venezuela Is definitely a very good case study. I grew up there and I know many people are relying on cryptocurrencies to be able to eat properly, not to mention pay bills and stuff. Thanks for such insightful post!

Glad you found my post!

Do you still live in Venezuela or are you somewhere else now? Is it easy to migrate to/from Venezuela these days or does the government restrict migration?

Moreover, the reason I'm very excited about cryptocurrencies is because they can indeed make a profound impact in people's lifes, specially in those countries such us Venezuela. Let's say $2 they can do in steemit a month is already one extra salary. It's not like they can do a lot with that money since the inflation it's just crazy but what could happen if they make ten bucks? It's like a blessing for them! The key here is to educate people about such things and teach them how to use cryptos, how it can improve their lives and so on..

Hi! I moved from Venezuela to Sweden in 2011. At that time it was somewhat difficult but still doable. For instance, I could save money for the ticket without any major problem, even being a student. Nowadays it is just insane. Many airlines have stopped flying from/to there because it is not profitable. Every good in there, including flight tickets, are basically priced in USD, converted at the rate of the black market to bolívares. Of course it became impossible to flight since the minimum wage is around 2MM, while a ticket costs 5 billions or something like that... It's just insane.

I know few people who flew from Venezuela recently and their relatives who live abroad bought the tickets for them. Those who don't have that luck have gone through Colombia, by bus or something, to other countries within Latinamerica.

It's a terrible situation indeed, what you read in the news is almost a fairytale in comparison to how it really is unfortunately.

I have met several Venezuelans who are attempting to make their living on Steemit since the platform offers them a better chance for a future than their own government. One of the truly positives to the decentralized world of crypto!

I never really knew how bad the inflation was there until I met some people from Venezuela here on Steemit. I loved how you broke the scenario down and shared the podcasts. Steemit seems like it is a great resource for this type of hyperinflation and I hope that the people of Venezuela will be able to overcome this!

Excellent post! Thanks again for your insight and the resources!

Feel sorry for Venezuelan people, who have to struggle all this years. It is so hard to believe that the proven oil reserves in Venezuela are actually recognized and considered as the largest in the world.

A very interesting reviews, I've seen on one of the citizens of Venezuela postings he said that the price of th 17 steem same with 350 million bolívar.

This is an important topic. I was recently in Colombia and interacted with many refugees coming from Venezuela. How can we change this?

I think the first step is a regime change.

Hard to believe that a country so reach with natural resources is having economic issues all this years.

yes this episode so important for us, we know now days about bitcoin.Helpful post.thnaks.....@dhimmel

@dhimmel you have collected,presented some awesome and very useful information. i am very happy on this article.

I am resteemit your post

A natural resource can make a country developed.It is a matter of luck.