Getting Set Up With Verus Desktop Wallet

in #veruslast year

To get set up with a Verus Desktop wallet, head to, click download Verus Desktop, and select your operating system.

Unzip the folder, and run the Verus Desktop application. You may have to click through to allow the app to run (any application with mining capabilities gets flagged by Windows).

Default installation setup is recommended!

Run Verus Desktop.

You'll be asked to set up a profile.

When you're ready to add a coin, search Verus or select Verus from the dropdown menu.

Click continue.

Select "Native" mode, select the "Bootstrap" checkbox, and leave the rest of the options unselected. Click Add Coin.

You may need to download the Zcash parameters. This only needs to happen once, and shouldn't take long!

At that point, you should receive a confirmation notification. Clicking on the "Verus" box on the left side menu will bring up your Verus wallet dashboard!

Under Blockchain Status, it should say it's starting the daemon or syncing with the blockchain. If it does, you're good to go!

Once you are 100% synced you will be fully connected to the Verus blockchain! The next time you open your Verus wallet, it will be much much quicker, as it will only need to catch up from where you left off!