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RE: Vessel 0.2.0 - Interact with Steem securely from any website

in #vessel6 years ago (edited)

Great initiative, thanks!
A couple of notes.

  1. When I installed deb package for Vessel I saw this:

    What licence is Vessel under?
  2. When I clicked on one of the links above, I saw:

    Choosing either of the options did not open Vessel, and nothing happened.
    I am using Ubuntu operating system.

@jesta The bitcoin analog for this has integration into KDE in change set 70f55355e29c8e45b607e782c5d76609d23cc858. Maybe you can find something that works for KDE. @slavix the operating system is trying to open a handler for 'steem:' but the install process of Vessel doesn't configure xdg-open like it needs to.

Thanks, will definitely check it out to see if it provides a clue.

  1. Vessel is under MIT - I haven't given it too much thought beyond when I initially set it up. Strange that the linux installer says that, I'll have to look and see if I missed a configuration value.
  2. I'll have to look at why it's not working in Ubuntu, I'm not sure what's happening. It appears the name of the handler isn't correct and doesn't even work. Sorry about that!

New build with some fixes to how the handler works. I know it fixes issues that Windows users were experiencing, and am setting up a Ubuntu desktop VM right now to test it as well.