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RE: Fraudci Flees As The System Panics That It Is Being Exposed By Chihuahua Walking Conspiracy Theorist

in #video2 years ago

And to be specific, berwick is monetizing videos he didn't create and offering that he sends the creators the money.
We don't accept that excuse that from others, we won't accept it from him.
I've advocated that any videos with beneficiaries set to the original creators not be flagged, but separating them is time consuming.
Better that the original creators post them on their own accounts.


Just a heads up, @kencode is right now implementing so we can set creators with no Hive account to "decline payment".

That will solve this issue as far as I am concerned.
We are only looking for an equal application of the rules.

The standard is original content every time, or decline/burn the rewards.
That isn't too much to ask in light of the number of spammers/plagiarizers we have driven from the pool up to this point.

I will make a post as soon as it is implemented, have made it #1 priority!

"I've advocated that any videos with beneficiaries set to the original creators not be flagged, but separating them is time consuming."

Seems like it'd be pretty simple to sort that with a bot, but what do I know?

"Better that the original creators post them on their own accounts."

Maybe if ya'll didn't flag original content creators whose opinions you don't like off the platform, reposts wouldn't be the only source on Hive for that content. If you don't like it being reposted, don't flag the creators off Hive. Disagreement of opinion is the whole reason free speech is useful. The flagging of creators is just cancel culture on Hive.

Is it profitable to cancel people by flagging them off Hive? I wouldn't have thought you would want to profit by that means, even if it was profitable. It just seems like killing Hive to me, not even harming those creators much, since they just post elsewhere. Hive has so much potential, it's sad to see it killed one creator at a time, when it could instead enable a diversity of voluntarist governments to replace the corrupt legacy tyrannies destroying themselves around the world today.

I guess I'll have to watch the slow death of that potential until a successor that does prevent opinion flagging arises, and others enable that platform to moon when they don't kill it with cancel culture.

Maybe if ya'll didn't flag original content creators whose opinions you don't like off the platform,

Give me a link, or a name, to that happening in the last 2 years.

What is killing hive is people having their facts wrong, braying loudly, and giving us an undeserved bad reputation.
Stinc kneecapped us intentionally, we still haven't recovered from that.
People are not getting driven from the platform unless they are clearly abusive.
If you think otherwise, provide the facts.

@logiczombie. Still votes but no longer posts, because they can't post without getting flagged by massive stake. @baah. Still posting despite being flagged into the negative, because they're obstinate. @lucylin. Flagged off the platform. @worldtravelpro. Flagged off the platform. @r0nd0n still a witness and still running @freezepeach AFAIK, but last post was last October and flagged to zero by Marky (and himself. He's known to do that from time to time). @kennyskitchen. Flagged off the platform. @lukewearechange. Still posting (or posting again after a hiatus), still getting flagged to zero most every time. @dbroze. Getting flagged hard, still posting. I myself have been only mildly flagged since the Bern ended, and that despite riling Marky excessively, for which I grant him credit due.

If I hadn't wanted to spare you I could keep going, and I cleaned out the list I follow a few months ago, so I'm prolly missing many.

"...unless they're clearly abusive."

That's vague, and ill defined. Some of my favorite people - like you - are clearly abusive. I think you called me a Communist once. The audacity! I really admire audacity, so thanks for that. On second thought, you might have called yourself a Communist. My recollection is vague.

Some of the above list are excellent reporters and prolific posters, while some are obnoxious trolls. I reckon we need both ends of that spectrum. I also don't think you're the kingpin and ringleader of the cabal, and suspect you're there to make the difference that seems to be why @ura-soul isn't on that list, despite he was flagged like a Panamanian freighter for months. That flagging seems to have mysteriously stopped after he recommended voting for a certain witness that shall not be named (just to seem mysterious. I don't think that particular witness is the reason, and think I vote them too).

So, thanks for that hard work I reckon you're doing.

If people posting stupid and incorrect stuff is killing Hive, we're doomed along with all other places people post. Nowhere more than Twatter, Fakebook, or Youtool.

I want you to know I sincerely appreciate you stepping into the fray. Thank you.

@baah is enlightened, unlike your feeble-minded self. He doesn't give a damn, and I commend him for that. He knows his words will never fade away no matter who thinks can "censor" him.

@logiczombie can do whatever he wants. He has his posting keys.

Lucy is just here for the money. Pretty easy to see why he left in a hurry when it's no longer yields financial rewards. But hey, let's pretend posting is the only way to earn on the chain after all these years.

Worldtravelpro was outted for recycling his content which people used to curate him did not like. Then, proceeded to libel everyone who was once his benefactor when they no longer wanted to vote on his stuff.

@freezepeach is still operational. Not that you would know that. @r0nd0n is not weak like others who decided to censor themselves. He's actively doing other things and he is a mid-level witness on the chain. By your definition, he might as well be part of the cabal because he collaborates with many people you detest.

I think your reading comprehension is inadequate, because you inform me of what I have stated. Anywho, @antisocialist asked for a list, so there is a list. You misapprehend me grievously, and ascribe to me feelings that I don't have.

I am cut to the quick, wounded to my core. I will go have a sad now, while I mourn the consequences you will bear due to your misunderstanding.

You will bear the consequences of your understanding, or lack of it, without exception. Nothing I can do about that except to state precisely what I mean, which I did as best I could.

You demonstrated you lacked the background info for the "list".

There's no lack of understanding. I know underlying motives to discredit people when I see it.

Good day.

The background info wasn't requested.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

More people need to think like you.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment
 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

I'm one guy. My voice doesn't dictate what others do.

As I recall, that group eventually resorted to doing stuff like this:


Actions were taken against them. It's not as black and white as everyone else tries to make them.

 2 years ago  Reveal Comment

They were doing that for a while before the downvotes happened.

If someone else wants to reach out to them, they can do it. I'm not it.

I'm a cynic when it comes to Hive. I've seen my share of people who were forces for good and ended up doing questionable things over time. It makes me jaded.

We got this email from Dan Dicks of PressForTruth yesterday:


Max Igan messaged me this yesterday:


These are just a couple of creators, but it is the general sentiment unfortunately. None of them knows excaclty why they get hammered or by who, it's just game over. So let's turn it around and make Hive explode!

Here is an image of the last 3 posts from Dan Dicks before he stopped.



Max Igan's account is posting now, and has posted a couple time in the last month.

His last post.

So, some clarification may be advisable to see if he's posting, someone is posting on his behalf, or is posting from his hacked account.