World MIS-Leaders Give Out Free Lobotomies & Strokes For Turkey Day!

in #video2 years ago

World MIS-Leaders Give Out Free Lobotomies & Strokes For Turkey Day!

Who would’ve thought in 2022 you’d either be a lobotomized NPC in Civilization VII, or a freedom-loving anarchist who collects XMR and think of ways to move to the country?

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Intro: Fully Vaxxed Boy PARODY (Teenage Dirtbag) - Greg Wycliffe:

(half at beginning, half at end)

Check out today’s video..!



You are 100% on the leading edge of what's going on in this video game, and I will continue to listen to you talk because there's no other motive behind your message other than advocating and thinking for yourself in this weird dream we call life...

Saved by a weed brownie...Classic XD

Me also, kaltgestellt by my family at 18 as they moved to Stasi land Berlin-Babelsberg early 90s, for work. My father died (in the ambulance) when he got back from China in 2009, I think it was the Flu shot.

My father up to only a few years ago would run out and buy VHS tapes to record all World Cup games every 4 years and never watch them again.

I'm doing the same thing, except I'm not recording them :D

Just won a yearly subscription to the TDV, thanks guys!

Lucky! congrats, I didn't win anything lol

Oh well, you'll get one next time 8)

Are there any crypto exchanges that don't use KYC or ID?

Many happy returns Jeff! Keep the vids coming. There aint many i like to watch :)

Jeff talks about how great DERO is, but failed to tell about the fork. I wonder how many people lost their $DERO on the Atlantis Wallet???

Sounds like an amazing weed brownie haha, that's great

Rage Against the Machine is now rage for the vaccines and the government death machine

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Jeff is absolutely right about "birthday". First of all, you enter this physical realm when those 2 cells meet. That is the first miracle hardly anyone talks about. Then comes the transformation into a new being, whose heart is beating and audible 20 something days later. And after that, 8 months of a continuous growth in a liquid environment. Nobody celebrates that. Why? Why only the passage from waters to air counts? Of course it is a tough test, and doing it successfully is a good reason to celebrate. But then we start a ritual, repeated every 12 months, in which we declare to be happy about getting 1 year closer to death. It turns a funeral, especially with those candles.
And there´s more to it. The word "placenta" comes from greek and means "flat cake". What a coincidence! Not. They will tell you that it´s just being thankful to the thing that fed you during pregnancy. It´s fine for a few years. But it becomes a symbol of dependency. An eternal baby that needs to be taken care of. Probably that is why some people get offended if you dare to forget their "birthday".

You can´t handle the truth! The Trojan priestess Cassandra was not taken seriously when she said the wooden horse was full of soldiers. They mocked her and said she was crazy. The Greek knew long ago...