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RE: The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse Are Riding As The Shemitah Nears

in #video2 years ago

Well, cohencidentally I hear Xi Jinping is currently under arrest and the prospect of a public hanging seems all too real. Mayhap the list of criminals needing hanging can be shortened. Must be Shemitah, since Xi eliminated the Jewish colonies left in China.

"Kaifeng's Jewish community has reported increasing suppression by the authorities since 2015, reversing the modest revival it experienced in the 1990s. The observance of public religious services and the celebration of religious festivals like Passover and Sukkot have been prohibited, and Jewish community groups have been shut down. Signs have been removed from the Kaifeng Synagogue, a historical site located on Teaching the Torah Lane that is now under strict surveillance.[74]"

"As of 2019, Harbin could claim a single Jewish inhabitant..."

However, it seems Hu Jintao and Li Qiaoming have teamed up to rectify Xi's economic misadventures and obsession with SARS2 lockdowns, rumor has them favoring the West more and Russia less. Almost seems like Purim.
