All the Updates You Can Handle!!!

in #vimm4 years ago (edited)

Lots of Updates.jpg

Good news, everyone! It's @ddrfr33k with a huge update! @chiren has been hard at work making changes while I've been sitting in the board room, sipping on some fine whiskey. Yeah, right! Like I have time for that! No, we've got more updates than the past months, and it's so awesome! Let's get into this, shall we?

Starting things off, VIMM embeds are now implemented on PeakD! Thanks to @foreveraverage who reached out to the folks @peakd and made the suggestion. If you're using Peakd and you click on any post, if the stream is live, you can watch it right through Peakd! Here's what @hiphopphantom's Persona 5 stream looks like in Peakd:


How awesome is that? We should have implemented this a while ago, I know. We're working on it, we really are!

We rolled out some updates to our VOD system in anticipation of rolling it out to more people at the end of the month. A couple big changes:

  • Added video length to replays and browse page
  • Fixed an issue where multiple recordings of the same stream would run after short disconnects
  • Implemented a scalable long term storage solution for replays and related assets
  • Improved buffering time on replays

We're still working out the kinks, but both @chiren and I think it's 99% ready to go right now. We just want to make sure we do this right and not rush perfection. Currently, we're planning on running this for Top 5 and Diamond at first, and then rolling it out to Gold members shortly thereafter. If you haven't started streaming on Vimm, now is a great time to start!

Gems are back in action! Thanks to @eonwarped, we recently completed the transition of all gems from Steem Engine to Hive Engine. Balances have been mirrored from steem-engine to hive-engine on the 10th of April 2020. Any staked Gems or open orders on the market has been included in the airdrop. Anyone who staked Gems before the transition (Did anyone do this besides @ddrfr33k?) will need to stake them again.

You probably saw our THIS IS THE END!!! post a few days back. The last Steem delegation payout will be tomorrow, April 15th. From now on, our Delegation payouts will be in Hive. @ddrfr33k pledged to delegate 10% of his SP back on the Steem Blockchain, and he's already stepped it up here on Hive. You should join him, and help make @vimm upvotes worth a boatload! We rely on you guys, you help keep us going!

Thanks in no small part to some help from our old friend @foreveraverage, we have a revamped mobile view! If you haven't been on the mobile site in a while, we don't blame you. It was very rudimentary, and needed an update something fierce. It looks much better now! Go check it out if you haven't yet.

I told you we had a lot to cover, didn't I? This change to Hive has been slightly tragic but also promising. We didn't want to see Steem go down the way it did. We wanted to be active on both chains. We wanted to help people grow, but that simply isn't tenable in the current environment. Regardless, we're happy you're still with us, and we want to help you grow your platform.

Who do you want to see stream on Vimm? What can we do to help them make that happen?

Get in touch!

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Have you checked out Vimm University?

-- How to Handle Streamer Burnout --

-- All About The Steem Blockchain!--

-- Making a Good Post --

-- Branding Identity --

-- The Copyright Boogeyman --

-- An Introduction to Branding --


The mobile view is actually not quite there yet, the first draft that I send @chiren is ok but there are some issues still... what's that? Quarantine probably getting prolonged? you're in luck boys, I'll get to it 😎


What it looks like now for me:


What it looks like with my new stylesheet:


Back to the basics where the 3 important things catch your attention again:

  1. Live stream
  2. Chat
  3. Rewarding streamers

All the rest that works on a desktop is doing more harm than good by taking away the attention from the things that should matter (I recommend reading some of Steve krugs books for those interested)

The upvote and follow button is something I'm not sure of either on mobile view, due to their size and the color difference they take quite a lot attention from the chat and live stream, after all it's the quality of the stream and chat that should invoke an upvote from the users and now the attention is taken away from the stream and chat beacause of the current design. Maybe look into hiding the follow button and making the upvote button a bit less obvious? I am sure going a few percentages less on the upvote button isn't going to harm it's usability

For a last note, with all the usability and gui experts that Amazon has, the thousands of options Twitch provides and the resources available there's most likely a very good reason why their mobile app is as clean as possible and focuses only on the primary functions

Love what you guys are doing, keep up the great work!

Very good

Vimm is the future!