Hey @runicar it's a track called "You Are The Only One" I produced about 10 years ago, I'm stoked you like it. Hit me up on discord, I can send it to you. If you ever use it, all I ask is for you to give me credit :) @greencross#2884
I am a Venezuelan living in the Austrian mountains.
Power to the people! Hehehe
Posted using Partiko Android
Great song! Watched another one of your videos left me wondering is the song used in it also produced by you.
This is the video Im referring to
I would love to use your songs in my future videos and would gladly mention you whenever I used them. Will get in touch on discord.
Oh, so thats why it looks like Slovenia haha
Agreed, power to the people!
Thanks so much @runicar. Yes all the music on my videos are originals by me. This is "The Children Of The Python", released on my own label about 6-7 years ago. I can send them all if you want :)
Posted using Partiko Android
I would love that,yeah! Send me those and some others if you like. I really enjoy techno and tech-house.
Can never get enough of good music :D
Let me know over Discord :) I'll send you a downloadable link if you like @runicar
Posted using Partiko Android
I'll hit you up now!