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RE: We are torn between a nostalgia for the familiar and an urge for the foreign and strange.

in #vn6 years ago

I just came back from a month long vacation in HK, Macau, and Taiwan. It's fun at first but slowly, the inconveniences build up. Because of being out and about all the time, meeting friends, sight seeing, and sometimes working from coffee shops, that when i'm back at my AirBnb, it's literally to shower, sleep, and get rid of trash in my backpack and pockets. This results in making the AirBnb very cramped and dirty. Just when the AirBnb gets unbearably dirty, i'm off to the next city.

At the end of the trip, I was excited to come back to my own space with clean desk, clean apartment, and spacious room. Then after a few days, you realize you're not on vacation anymore and wish you were back traveling.