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RE: Vocab-ability Suffix–325 (__al = adjective suffix) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)

in #vocab-ability5 years ago


  1. Typical:
    Figure 2 displays a typical segment of both signals.
  2. Regional:
    Recovering the underlying function f inside its different regions of smoothness.
  3. Brutal:
    The weather was brutal – hot and humid.
  4. Ideological:
    Both are lost to the ideological ' construction' of selfhood, exceptional or otherwise.

Number 4 is plagiarized. I did not check, but I believe Numbers 1 and 2 are also plagiarized.

DO NOT plagiarize. That's wrong, and seriously frowned upon on Steemit.

For these Voc Practice exercises, please compose YOUR OWN sentences.