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RE: Vocab-ability–187 (poly = much, many) – A More Powerful Vocabulary (earn UpVotes with “Vocab Practice” exercise)


  1. Polygamist:
    I don't think I'd make for a very good polygamist because my heart may not allow it.

  2. Polymath:
    The polymath studied one too many subjects according to the rulers who want to keep the peace.

  3. Polytheism.
    "Polytheism, the work of the devil, will lead your unsuspecting children, who are currently innocent and pure, into a world of sexual depravity that goes directly against the will our god should you let them stray from our nest," said the polymath tied to the chopping block.


Good work!

As for being away, I'l still in Canada, but tonight, I will fly back to Thailand. So, I maybe out of touch for the next day or 2.

I don't see the away message. I hope your trip went well.