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RE: The relationship between voluntaryism, anarchism, agorism, anarcho-capitalism and libertarianism

Therefore, practically (but, not in principle), anarcho-commies are just Marxist fascists pretending to be anarchists.

Here is the historical record of what became the an-coms splitting with marx.
Here is the history of 'the communists' taking control of the term 'communism' from the people that lived according to an-com principles.
Here is a report from a lady that knew the difference from the scene.
Here is why you are wrong about an-craps being anarchists.
Here is the introduction of an-com principles to the field.
This gives it in language more suited to most workers.

Voluntaryism came about because voluntaryists aren't prepared for the illegalist aspects of anarchism and needed to differentiate themselves from it.

So, no, an-craps are not anarchists, nor are voluntaryists, though we do share the non-aggression principal outside the proper applications of direct actions.
Just as the bolsheviks glommed onto the rhetoric, so to do these johnny come lately's you propound.