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RE: Who Are You Voting For?

in #vote4 years ago

I don't advocate to not participate no. Participate all you want. But if you 'RESIST', you will power it.

Don't CONSENT to anything that breaks the laws of the system you want to adhere to. "Riot" why? Why not put that energy/manpower into ARRESTING the broken pieces of your system? Not the EFFECTS, but the ROOT CAUSE. Top down.
Rioters are causing a Banker paradise. Perfect opportunity to flex muscles.
Push the LAW. Learn the LAW.
Or run away.
'Rioting' is their wet dream though.


I think it would be embarrassing to the power-structure if the REDBLUEBEAST received less support (by their own measure) than unaffiliated individuals.

It certainly won't have any effect on BLACKROCK, but it has a pretty good chance of distracting the REDBLUEBEAST enough to confuse it into eating itself.

Here's who I supported ever since after 2008


If ever we can get enough folks together to clean up the voting and well, arrest the corrupt that don't follow their own laws, then I might try voting again..
but currently our useful idiots fall for illusion and don't mind their vote is only to show support to the corruption.
