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RE: Vote-trading...

in #votetrading4 years ago

For me the problem is, that there is no good content to look for on Hive.
I very rarely upvote because I like the content, I usually upvote because I have been upvoted by the person or I just happen to follow him and I need to lower my voting power (too close to 100%)


Eh, I dunno if there's no good content to vote, I find a lot daily but then again I also do this full time so I understand others don't have the same amount of time to look and I hope communities will improve on that. Either to make it easier for readers and stakeholders to know where to look but at the same time increase the quality cause the authors in each community will be competing versus another to provide better and better content not just for the rewards but also for the limelight. If you don't have the time to look for content then of course there's nothing wrong with just voting here and there, the problem is consistent same sized votes on the same authors over and over and over again.

I also do this full time

How are you doing this full time? O.O

By working on Hive related things 10h+ a day? :D

Good one, I meant how is Hive paying enough to be able to do that full time?
Or is Hive just a hobby, while having some other source of income? ( 😏)

Just curious, maybe I'm spending my time on the wrong stuff. 😂

PS: Just realized that this could be interpreted wrong: I'm not amused by the amount of work, I'm amused by the straight answer to my question. Could have used a better question. My mistake though.

Some from Hive, most from Steem, some from other assets and trading. Gotta admit Steem rekt me pretty hard though when I decided to not sell any at the top and double down at $2+ but had to sell a lot at 40-10c.

and trading


I would love to see a post about your trading, strategies, thoughts and stuff like that. Could be really interesting!

I have also sold at those prices, I think, but it was more or less a zero sum game for me.

Thanks for the answer, always nice to hear how someone is getting along and the blockchain, but I would have never guessed the trading part! 👍

on top of that the witnesses decided to take 20k+ steem from me in their recent hardfork. :)

Damn, sorry for your loss. Lost the track of who has lost how much in the hostile takeover and the aftermath.

I'm just glad that I got out with most of my money and transferred that to Hive. But I really wish this chapter would have gone way different and I have to admit: I'm really sad when I look at the current state of Steem and the trending post. Not the language difference but just the state of it. Centralization at it's finest.

At least we got most of the community over here and working now on a new goal. It gives at least hope for the future and Hive is probably one of the best things that happened in 2020. (Okay I know the competition isn't that hard, but at least it's something.^^)

I've got a question regarding a "toxic" topic and I could need an honest unfiltered opinion from someone who understand the community and the chain.

@therealwolf has posted the following:
Before @azircon was downvoted, he has raised the issue, that @therealwolf is upvoting automated posts, an account which he owns. (I'm not a fan of the rude accusations thrown at @therealwolf, but I think the fact is: Automated posts are getting upvoted to over 10 Hive in rewards, which I think is way too much.)

After that he has published his proposal for covering the costs.

But I learned just today (thanks to the downvotes from him for me) that he is still upvoting those automated posts to over 10 Hive.

Because I cannot find anything else on this topic: Is this behavior determined "okay" by the community? Is this just something to accept, because he cannot get funded from the proposal? Should I cease my downvotes, start upvoting those posts for curation rewards and start my own automated post series?

I hope, that I'm not too rude or annoying right now, but I'm feeling quite lost for seeing a witness acting in this way.


Honestly I don't know why he bothers voting those up, what's 10 hive per day for someone who has close to a million hive. I guess the decision is yours if you want to post automated posts and vote those up, many may not say anything or do anything but they'll surely be thinking things. At the end of the day and in the long term I don't see money being an issue for people and I believe they'll ease into not caring as much about ROI or their self interest and be more open to using their stake for the growth of the platform. Now of course this isn't just directed at therealwolf, there are plenty of people who lay low and just maximize while others do it and pretend to do good. There's enough people here today that the majority will remember and if they don't it'll still be on chain in case someone's interested enough later.

Anyway, voting automated posts is a bit of a gray area when done with your own stake, there's accounts like penguinpablo who've done this in forever and for many they bring value, while others say they use the rewards for costs. :shrug:

Personally the only acceptable automated posts I'd vote up would be something where the rewards are used in the communities best interest or returned to them. For instance the daily twitter stats by @hiro-hive which he tips back to people through twitter or the @poshtoken once the bot is finally fully fixed and posting distribution stats daily to pay the dev for his work cause it's something all of hive will benefit from existing.

Thanks for the recognition @acidyo, I appreciate that you mention us. I agree to all that you said here, I also think the only acceptable automated posts would be something where the rewards are used in the communities best interests or returned to them.

Personally, I am happy doing this #Hive tipping our most active users on twitter and as far as I am concerned in my observations, the people who talked relentlessly on other social media about Hive has skin in the game, I mean they do not only love this community for one day or one week or one month, most of them are deserving part of our family. For this, I have no problem supporting them daily just to stay motivated and inspired. If you have thoughts in mind, I am open to new ideas. Stay blessed @acidyo :))

for your thoughts. Gave me some mindfood to chew on.

Guess I will just cease the downvotes for now and fix my witness voting proxy. Should be fine after that.

It seems that the moment where rewards are playing a role, it's always a haggle between everybody just for the sake of getting something out of it. Quite sad to see such an approach from a witness. (Or penguinpablo for that case, at least those statistics were interesting.)

Btw, Just added @hiro-hive and you to my voting list. 😌

I appreciate that my friend, you got a new follower from now on :))

You can also visit our @hive-data account where we are doing our data post and returns the value in the community. Great to have you buddy :))

One thing I'd like to add is, even if you're an anonymous user, treat the chain and token as if you had a lot of people you know IRL on here and they can see your every move. Even if that's not the case now it could be in the future. Would suck if they joined, recognized you somehow and found out everyone thinks you're an asshole who got most of his stake in some shitty ways. :D

That's one solid advice, I have to give you that.

Good thing that I'm mostly fine with the stuff I have done so far. 😏

Jokes aside, I guess I should try to write more stuff and things like that. I wish there would be the option to hide every vote and downvote, so the reward system would be running in the background. Because after posting, I'm feeling like most youtubers:

1.) I've stopped auto-voting on them, but since the proposal isn't funded yet and the infrastructure costs are still going, I've voted them manually, fully well knowing that they will be downvoted, so the initial vote was higher than before to combat it.

2.) You're being ignorant if the only thing you're seeing are automated posts. It's not about them being automated, it's about where the rewards are going. And clearly, they're going into a project that brings value to Hive.

Real Talk

I hope, that I'm not too rude or annoying right now, but I'm feeling quite lost for seeing a witness acting in this way.

So because I'm a block producer, I can't give you some of the same downvote sauce back, that you so ignorantly put on my posts, because they're automated?!

If I wanted to abuse the reward pool, I would do it completely different, as so many ppl are already doing. Like, start posting some of those nice ai-generated/ google-translated posts into GEMs or OCDB categories? Would that be okay, since they're not "automated"? I would also promise to use and sell those rewards right when they come in, instead of hodling it..

But because I'm transparently posting automated posts by a project I've built and upvote them WITH MY OWN STAKE after a day of waiting time, with the goal to use those rewards FOR the project, as it has REAL ONGOING COSTS, its okay to downvote it or create hate-speech against it?

THAT is one of the biggest reasons why the global rewards pool is so damn stupid to work with. If I would farm my own posts 10x per day, I could understand people going against it, but ONCE per day for a project that actually brings value to Hive WITH MY OWN STAKE?!

And @acidyo, why does it matter how much HIVE I have? This is about principles. If I can't even upvote a project of mine ONCE per day WITH MY OWN STAKE without the downvote police coming along, harassing me and questioning my morality, then what the fuck are we doing here?


I think you're underestimating the effort and work curators put in not to reward your idea of abusing the rewardpool, it's true some may go undetected for some time and having to deal with assholes running hivewatchers who are supposed to help with that is also a pain, but yeah it's definitely an attack vector if big stakeholders actively attempt to do that and when found out can just plead ignorance and that they didn't know it was ai-generated/etc. There you may start noticing a pattern though and your reputation can quickly go down the drain.

Anyway, like I said I wasn't really talking about you and automated posts aren't completely worthless or not worthy of rewards depending on how they're used. I hope your proposal gets supported and many others use that gateway instead of the rewardpool for such things. We'd need an easier entry point for that into getting funded though cause right now it seems close to impossible - like why is dapplr still not being funded after all the proof and usability of their work and dapp they've already shown us.


and ehh, why does how much stake matter, i mean, i've seen you use it to reason that your opinions should have more weight about the future of the platform and your proposed changes, so I don't see anything wrong with pointing out that you have a lot of stake so not sure why you bother voting up those posts to pay a fraction of the costs of hivedapps. Hivedapps is not just helping everyone else but your own stake as well, it would seem in your best interest to also keep it up to help the value of your stake instead of trying to also make up for that "cost". I realize there's many using the pool and proposals for their own projects so they don't have any costs associated with it and I'm not a big fan of that personally. At some point, with a certain amount of stake you should be okay to pay for some things from own pocket that help hive, if people were less ROI focused the platform would be a much better place imo. Now again this isn't just about you, but think about it, if @freedom would focus on growing the value of his stake by trailing or delegating it more diversely to bring hive to new heights he could afford losing a couple % of ROI. Instead we're so focused on the rewardpool that we're literally gambling on other blockchains surpassing us and doing what we do better because we keep pointing and comparing with others and avoid doing the work or sacrifice it would take to bring help the platform. The higher the stake you own the bigger should be your incentive to help hive, keep building, keep spending some hive and not keep comparing with others or try and outperform them. Some will just maximize and abuse no matter if hive makes it or doesn't, only thing that'll matter is what people think you did. At least personally I'm going to care if I was on the side that helped hive succeed or tried or if I was on the side who made a lot of stake and then went passive and hoped others would take care of the rest.

Anyway, chill a bit man, you seem a bit overly stressed lately through your posts and comments. Don't let the markets affect you too much, hive is hive, it's so different from other cryptos and even tho some look at the lack of movement in price and think it'll be our undoing, others realize it may lag behind in movement due to the way it's distributed and speculators won't push the price up if there's people selling at any price. What some think is something wrong with it will be what sets it aside from the rest, on top of that social media is way harder to get right and needs a lot bigger userbase until it starts seeing some real change in value and onboarding. There's a lot of competition out there but most lack our experience, growth, fairness, distribution and investment not just monetary but sweat equity and the potential they see in it. We've come a long way and the platform is better than it ever was.


Memes aside, I approve that. Covers a lot way better than my mega comment. Sorry, @therealwolf, read this first. 😅😂

May be we can all take a step back and think this through @therealwolf. I think you have muted me, so maybe what I write does not matter. But still since I made the comment on your automated posts, it is my duty to try and put some reasoning into this discussion.

Question of morality comes in only because it is a social network. You are a block producer, you are asking the community to vote you. Right?

You made a proposal. You are asking community to support you. Right? Why don’t you ask it nicely? Because if the community don’t like your morality they may choose not to vote your witness, or your proposal.

Nobody cares what you do with your stake/money until it harms something. If you had some disposable income nobody cares what you do in your island. But if you come outside and asking people for something, may I please recommend to ask nicely. If you make a proper case the community might support your proposal. Why don’t you lobby for it?

Too much of the top content is meta. I love reading posts about Hive, but give me stuff about non hive. I don't go on reddit to learn more about reddit. No I go because I can see some cool shit on so many other topics.

That's why communities will improve things, imo. I barely check trending anymore, but trending of communities I subscribe to is a lot better.

there is no good content to look for on Hive.

You're not looking hard enough? I'm finding good content pretty much every day, @tarazkp being just one example.

Why should I look for Mid tier content on hive when I can search Top tier content on Youtube/reddit ?

On Hive I spend more time searching for content, than getting entertained by content

When you reward content on YouTube (with your eyeballs) you get zero ROI in a financial sense. When you reward content creators on HIVE with a vote, you get a ROI on that vote.

Some people can min max money, but time has value as well. I disagree about zero ROI from YT/etc, free art tutorials technically had positive impact on my financials in the long run, it's not all black and white.

Maybe it is your personal preference for what is entertaining.

For example, I use YouTube almost exclusively for troubleshooting - not for entertainment at all - unless someone sends me links to YouTube content. I don't get how people can go through clip after clip of random shit there and consider the time well spent - but that is my preference.

Hive has real people I can interact with and get to know, share a joke and built enduring relationships with - this is far more entertaining for me.

I understand this a lot- I still check other social media because I can learn a lot. However from art point of view- content has been improving drastically especially because of consistent curations. Plus I learned about NFT-s which I've never heard of before a few weeks ago.

Maybe we need a new post trend- what communities we'd like to see in the future or what communities/tags we follow on other social media. I follow a lot of stuff I don't participate in but really enjoy seeing (urbex for example and I discovered there is a community for that on hive).

How do you think we might improve content discovery? What tools do you think would suit you?

The good thing is that HIVE blockchain is more than just a social media platform, but we seriously should change how the stake and upvotes work. Right now it makes sense to post low-tier content just for the sake of posting because that's where the HIVE rewards are.

@therealwolf had some great ideas.

Agreed, I'm looking for articles to teach me something new to help enrich my life. That's why social media can be a benefit. To share pertinent info with each other to take back control of ourselves.

I'm finding little of this here. Seeing crap recipes, make-up tutorials, recycled news stories and selfies hitting the trending page too often has caused me to spend less time here...

I love responses like these. They give me a good reason to comment.

There are a ton of great curation trails you can follow or curators you can delegate to who will return your portion of the rewards....oh wait it's not about that, you want to maximize rewards amIright?

Minimum of 1 vote per day instead of 10 would significantly help bootstrap attracting good content.
10x more valuable votes and less time wasted digging down the junkyard.

Many stakeholders, yourself included are already splitting their 10 votes to receive higher ROI. Who would use 1 vote, possibly sacrificing a lot of rewards and over-reward and risk ending up getting downvoted and miss out on more? Unless it's a self-vote or a sold vote it doesn't make much sense, at the same time it wouldn't be great for distribution.

Genuine people who are not here only for the money.

Hive tokens need to distribute value to the world so people want to leverage what they do best to buy said token.

Content discovery via use of the staked token should be the main objective.