Don't strive trying to please everyone

in #vyb2 years ago

We spend our whole life trying to get into some circle of people and as much as we dedicate ourselves and try in the end we know that we can't please everyone.


There is always someone trying to judge our way of being, speaking, acting... but the truth is that nobody cares about our well-being, or our happiness.

And with that we start to notice that we are depriving ourselves for people who don't really care about us.

We will never be able to please everyone... even better if you are yourself, so don't worry about it, don't try to change yourself to live up to someone else's expectations and frustrating yourself.

Not even Jesus managed to please everyone, imagine us mere humans?

What is the point of living in a thousand different ways to try to fit into the wheels of friends who aren't really friends?

Try to be happy and please yourself.


Well said...

Some people get depressed if they do not please everyone. Even 1 person can ruin their day.

Before I was always trying to please everyone and I was sad because I had to live like that to fit in the middle of the social circle, now I've changed, I don't try to please everyone but myself.

There's no how we try, we cannot not always please people. We ought to do what we can and most importantly place our happiness and pleasing ourselves first before any other person.

At the end of it all , no one got you . You got yourself ..

Another problem with trying to please everyone else is that we seldom end up being happy with ourselves. There's a kind of "self-forgetting" there, and it eats away at us until there is virtually no "self" left because we're so busy bending ourselves into whatever shape we hope will make others happy.
