Should HIVE-Engine Have a Central Domain and Subdomains?

in #vyb3 months ago

@holovision pointed out that is expiring today. It usually takes a week for the domain to go blank after its expiration. When that happens all of the links we placed to will go dark.

You can see the domain status for on domaintools.

This situation where domains go dark is called "link rot." is not the first domain in the Hive-O-Sphere to go dark. If you sort through the HIVE-Engine Token List; you will find a large list of dark domains for projects that never panned through.

Sadly, domains going dark has a deleterious effect on the HIVE-O-Shere.

Perhaps HE Should Aquire a Short Domain

The problem of unrenewed domains is ongoing.

One solution would be for HIVE Engine to buy a short domain. One could then create a subdomain for each HIVE tribe.

There are several short domains in the Hive-O-Sphere already. One could take an existing domain. is a domain that promotes developing in the HIVE-O-Sphere; so I will use it as the example.

HIVE Engine could offer the tribes the option of creating a subdomain on the short url for each token using the token symbol.

So, in this scenario

  • POB could have the url
  • CCC could have the url
  • TIX could have the url
  • etc

If the tribes had a subdomain of a common URL; then the tribe could live on after the person who owns the tribe's domain loses interest in the platform and lets the domain expire.

Using the token symbol for the subdomain works because the symbols are short an unique.

If we went this route; HE might consider a structure in which all tokens have a subdomain. The subdomain could show the posts for the tribe, URL forward to a different site or show configuration info about the tribe.

The idea makes sense from a philosophical sense.

HIVE-Engine claims to be a decentralized platform. HE should have a mechanism that lets tribes live on after the person who bought the domain for the tribe loses interest.

The idea also makes sense from an SEO perspective as domains with multiple busy subdomains fair well in SEO formulas.

A Holding Company for Domains

Personally, I think HIVE would be wise to have a holding company for the domain names. The holding company should encourage holders of failing hive tribes to transfer ownership to the holding company rather than letting them expire.

The holding company could URL forward links from failed domains to a new domain. For example forwards to inleo.

BuyNburn will burn some POB

I fear that POB will drop dramatically after the loss of its domain. I see that it has fallen below 0.01 HIVE.

HE says the supply is 7,741,531.094. The current price is $0.00306 and the current marcap is $23,689.

I will use the HIVE and the HBD earned on this post to buy tokens on HIVE-Engine. I will place some low ball bids for POB as the price of the coin reflects the loss of the domain name.

Lets Burn Some VYB

I recently burned the POB held by the @buynburn account. I think I will burn the 242 VYB that I've been holding.

The Verify Your Brain Tribe has the URL This tribe forked from POB over questions about coin distribution. Since it is a fork of POB, the site just happens to list all of the posts for POB.

As I understand, VYB doesn't give rewards to people who upvote their own post. I don't know if this is true.

HIVE Engine reports that the current float of VYB is 7,256,202. It trades at $0.00033 giving it a reasonable marcap of $2,394.

For the last several weeks there has been a BID for 0.00099999 and a sell order for 0.001. The gap between buy and sell is just 0.00000001.

Hmmm, I wonder why that is?

Could it because I am the one with the 0.00099999 bid and I keep renewing it?

It will be interesting to see if VYB falls when goes blank. It is possible that the fall of will be a boon for


Been hoping that #POB would be a worthwhile token to play but now I don't know. I posted in the tribe the other day and only got a few votes. Hard to believe with such a large community their is little commenting.

It's a learning experience.

Thanks for info.


The "Proof of Brain" concept was one of the driving themes of the HIVE community.

People mine HIVE and its alt-tokens by writing and curating posts. This is supposed to prove that we have brains.

The loss of the domain is sad.

I suspect the tribe will muster on without its domain.

Several tribes lost their domains. The price of the coin halves. It then picks up again after a few months.

PS: I own @buynburn . IT does not have any coins and can't give out


@buynburn! Your Content Is Awesome so I just sent 1 $BBH (Bitcoin Backed Hive) to your account on behalf of @fjworld. (2/50)

@buynburn! You Are Alive so I just staked 0.1 $ALIVE to your account on behalf of @ fjworld. (3/10)

The tip has been paid for by the We Are Alive Tribe through the earnings on, feel free to swing by our daily chat any time you want, plus you can win Hive Power (2x 50 HP) and Alive Power (2x 500 AP) delegations (4 weeks), and Ecency Points (4x 50 EP), in our chat every day.

Where should you go in the room if you’re feeling cold?
The corner—they’re usually 90 degrees.

Credit: reddit
@buynburn, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of fjworld


Here is the proof of burn. I transfer the HIVE and HBD rewards to HE. I use the funds to buy coins, then I burn 'em.


What did the grape say when it got stepped on?
Nothing. It just let out a little wine.

Credit: reddit
@buynburn, I sent you an $LOLZ on behalf of yintercept

NEW: Join LOLZ's Daily Earn and Burn Contest and win $LOLZ


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