week 13 -- A War.

in #vyb2 years ago

From: Mark Long

@awetsell asks Do you think that Big Tech works with the government? If so, why would they work with the government?

The short answer is no, Big Tech could even become more powerful than some government entities themselves. First, let's talk about jurisdiction, although companies like Google, Microsoft, and Twitter, do have headquarters in the United States, companies like Sony, Nintendo, and Tik Tok are foreign and are subject to other laws of their countries. These foreign companies are already taking your data, even United States companies are taking it when you accept the terms of the service contract, you give them full access. Currently, the GOvernment is working against big tech to protect end-users from their data being stolen and possibly given to shady sources. Big social media companies also create an environment of censorship that falls in a grey area of if the government can even regulate. A good example of this is the twitters deletion of Donald Trump's account. They know that Donald Trump has an influence on how the election turns out and they censored him to essentially push their political views. What about Google? In an earlier guest presentation, he told us about how google influences politics and elections by choosing specific search results, not to mention their acquisition of data from nearly all forms of data, they have high influence, which means high power. Even if the government doesn't have the ability to influence elections to that extent, Google, and other companies, technically have more power. Due to this the government is retaliating and attacking companies like google and Twitter for free speech laws and for data protection of end-users. a great example is Facebook, whos seen massive scrutiny from the government and even testified in court. the government is fighting big tech. But big tech is getting more and more slippery each and every day as technology grows and laws are too slow to grow and be added with it.