Week 15 Response-- Under What Circumstances is the Use of Force Okay?

in #vyb2 years ago

"What are some exmaples of government imposed coersion in history? How did it play out?"

One example that quickly comes to mind for me, especially being in Oklahoma, is the Trail of Tears through the Indian Removal Act. Many people in the states that Native Americans originally resided in, Georgia, Tennessee, Alabama, North Carolina, and Florida, thought of them as scary, unpredictable, and an overall threat. In the early beginning of America, this issue was resolved by forced civilization of Native American tribes by indoctrinating them with Christianity as well as teaching them to speak and write English. There were five tribes that embraced this forced civilization (Choctaw, Chickasaw, Seminole, Creek, and Cherokee).
Later along the line in history, Andrew Jackson initiated the Indian Removal Act. They transferred their native lands to white farmers, removed their rights of ownership, and forced them to move. Via the Louisiana Purchase, the Native Americans now had a place to go- which is present day Oklahoma.
Originally, the law stated that it was not permissible to coerce Native Americans into moving or to take their land forcefully, yet it still happened. President Jackson and the government ignored this law, threatened to invade Native American land, and started forcing them out on the Trail of Tears.
This was such a tragedy in our history that still produces a sour taste when it comes to indigenous rights and equity in the country. It is horrifying to hear about how they made it illegal to coerce the Native Americans, and yet the president and government officials blatantly violated it willingly. How are we any different now from early America? Minority groups have violence used against them far too often because they are "a threat." No matter what political party you are, it should be basic a human right to not coerce people to follow a certain lifestyle (e.g. white Americans civilizing the "threatening" Native Americans).