Remitano Clone Script: Revolutionizing Peer-to-Peer Cryptocurrency Exchange

in #waivio15 days ago

Peer-to-peer (P2P) exchanges have become a game-changer in the world of cryptocurrencies. By providing users with a safe and decentralized platform for trading their digital assets. Remitano is one of the cryptocurrency exchanges that has attracted a lot of attention due to its creative P2P trading Platform.

Remitano clone script is a Revolutionary business model in the crypto ecosystem.

Features of Remitano Clone Script

The features of the Remitano clone script are the buy/sell advertisements, escrow trade, Fiat payment option, KYC / AML, and chart tools.

Buy/Sell Advertisements

Your users may easily make advertisements for trading Bitcoin in bug-free Remitano exchange software by using the post-buy or Sell option. It is the most important feature in the Remitano clone script for users.

Escrow Trade

Remitano's clone script escrow service locks the cryptocurrencies. Which is ready for trade from the seller to the buyer. After verification, the Remitano clone script releases the user with the corresponding amount of Bitcoin after the buyer transfers the fiat money.

Fiat Payment Option

Users of Remitano-like cryptocurrency exchange software can pay with a variety of methods, such as credit cards, Moneygram, ADV cash, and international wire transfers. This feature in the remitano clone script supports various payment methods.


Know your customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) are crucial factors when it comes to features in the Remitano clone script.

Chart Tools

The Advanced chart tools feature is a contemporary method for speculating on which Cryptocurrencies are peaking. This script feature allows users to research and evaluate prices before trading Bitcoin in an attempt to benefit.

Grab a Free Demo of Remitano Clone Script >>>>

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Posted by Waivio guest: @waivio_janet-brown