Cuisinart DCC 3200 Coffee Maker

in #waiviolast year

Cuisinart DCC-3200 14 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker

By: Rocket Scientist

This review looks at the Cuisinart DCC 3200 coffee maker. This model is programmable, brews 14 cups, and has a temperature selector for the hot plate. It has a nice build quality, with a little bit of weight to it, and feels solid. The performance of this machine is great, with a brew time of 7 minutes, and the temperature control preventing the coffee from becoming asphalt. The filter is not necessary for the machine to work, and there is no difference in taste with or without it. The customer service reviews are mixed, so it's hard to know what to expect. The durability of the machine is good, with no electronics issues, but the hot plate is starting to wear. There is a plastic smell/taste issue that some people have reported, but the reviewer has not experienced this. The price of the machine is around $80, which is a good price for what you get. #coffeemaker Cuisinart DCC-3200 14 Cup Programmable Coffeemaker #programmable #performance #durability #price