
in #waivio8 months ago

Screenshot from 2023-09-19 11-44-20.png

It seems like you're concerned about the focus on economic growth and prosperity at the expense of addressing urgent environmental issues like climate change and the continued reliance on fossil fuels. Here's a simplified explanation:

Imagine a house with a leaky roof and a crumbling foundation. Instead of fixing these critical problems, everyone inside the house is focused on decorating the rooms and making them look nice. They're buying new furniture, painting the walls, and making the house look beautiful. However, they're ignoring the fact that the house is slowly falling apart.

In this analogy:

The "leaky roof" represents the environmental challenges like climate change, which are causing damage to our planet.
The "crumbling foundation" symbolizes our dependence on fossil fuels, which are contributing to pollution and climate problems.
The "decorating and making things look nice" is akin to our focus on economic growth and prosperity, which is important, but it shouldn't come at the expense of addressing the fundamental problems.

If we don't address the leaky roof and crumbling foundation, eventually, the house will become uninhabitable, no matter how nice it looks inside. Similarly, if we don't address climate change and our reliance on fossil fuels, it could lead to severe consequences for our planet, affecting everything from the availability of resources to the habitability of certain regions.

It's crucial to strike a balance between economic prosperity and environmental sustainability. This way, we can ensure a healthy, thriving planet for current and future generations.

#climate #climatechange


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Yeah, it's imperative we address the pressing and basic needs of the society like the provision of food, clothing and shelter but paying heed to the constant drop in climactic change is more important if I should say since most changes in our respective environment with respect to its climatic has proven catastrophic to our societies.