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RE: Six Weeks Into Poverty

in #waiviolast month

Such askēsis leads the Cynic to live in poverty, embrace hardship and toil, and permits the Cynic to speak freely about the silly, and often vicious, way life is lived by his or her contemporaries.

Yes, we remain silent when we see these vicious sillinesses, only to protect what we have. Without those encumbrances we have nothing to lose, and can be more true to ourselves.

The United States does not provide and protect.

No government should provide and protect. It's only function should be to protect our rights, which we can do very well without any help at all. No governments would be better than the mess our governments have made of the world.

I think I've told you about this organization before, but check it out. Then you could make as much as you like, and not be supporting the stuff you speak so eloquently and effectively about in this post. Thank you for posting it.

Hear hear!


Oh thank you. I will check it out. I agree, philosophically. However, government power won’t give itself up willingly. As soon as it decides too many people are walking away, it’ll reign in the detractors. And that won’t be a pretty scenario. There is room for outlying, for now. But I believe this particular government is insane, and will “happily” take down its citizenry and the rest of the world with it. I don’t think the U.S. will ever be more free than it exists today, and that’s a depressing statement for sure!